Invisalign FAQ

Did you know that over five million patients have used Invisalign? According to Forbes, orthodontists prescribed Invisalign trays to 931,000 people in one year alone. Frey Orthodontics is proud to be a premier Invisalign provider. We highly recommend taking this modern approach to straightening your teeth. For more information make sure to check out our Invisalign treatment option. 

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign offers a modern alternative to traditional braces in which custom, clear aligners are made for straightening your teeth. The aligners are made of a smooth, comfortable plastic that is placed over your teeth. Over time, your teeth will shift into place based on a plan made by your orthodontist. This treatment is gaining more and more popularity due to there being no metal brackets, wires to tighten, and the fact that they are virtually invisible. 

How Long Does Invisalign Take to See Results?

One of the most common questions surrounding Invisalign is, “how long do I need to wear my aligner?”. While every situation is unique, Dr. Frey recommends that you wear your aligner for at least 22 hours each day to stay on track with your teeth straightening process. One major benefit is that you can remove your aligners while eating or during special occasions. 

In regard to full Invisalign duration, this process could take close to 12 months. This time frame can vary depending on a variety of factors, so make sure to contact us with any questions you may have. 

How Do You Clean Invisalign?

Understanding how and when to clean your Invisalign retainers is an important piece of information that will only do you favors in the long run. There are many ways to clean Invisalign and you can find a way that works best for you. Frey Orthodontics recommends that you clean your aligners regularly and thoroughly to avoid staining your teeth and to promote good dental hygiene. 

On a day to day basis you should rinse and clean your aligners with water. When you are not wearing your aligners, keep them in a protective case. We also recommend Invisalign branded cleaning tools. “Steraligner” is a sterilizing solution that aligners can be soaked in and rinsed with water for best results. Cleaning crystals can be dissolved in water and then aligners soak in that solution. These methods are just examples of what we recommend as Invisalign providers. We recommend you do your own research as well.

Talk to Dr. Frey About Invisalign

Schedule your free consultation at our Algonquin or Naperville office to learn more about Invisalign, Invisalign cost, and if Invisalign is the right treatment option for you.